Summer Programs

ASN Members offer a wealth of summer opportunities.  Start planning now.

Promote your summer programs to ASN Members and website visitors. It’s another great, free benefit for ASN Members! Contact [email protected] with a link to your summer program information.

Boston Arts Academy

Francisco Gella Dance Works

Huntington Beach Academy for the Performing Arts (APA)

Idyllwild Arts Summer Program (all ages)

Interlochen Arts Camp Summer Arts Programs (grades 3-12) 

Interlochen Online Online music and arts courses, and private lessons- (All Ages)

Iowa Conservatory Summer Intensives- ICON (grades 7-12) include intensives in musical theatre, visual arts, and dance, all starting on June 16th

Long Island Highs School of the Arts (Grades 2-12) Students study Dance, Theatre, Film, Visual Arts, Music, Scenic Construction, and Audio Production over the course of this 4-week program.  Students that participate in the Theatre Arts Performance program will study with Broadway artists who will join them for vocal coaching, audition techniques, and acting workshops each week.  The Joel Foundation (Billy Joel) continues to support the program with 15 scholarships for eligible students. 

Majoring In Music (summer music camp & programs- High School Students of all Levels - scholarships available)

Perpich Center for the Arts Education 

Walnut Hill School for the Arts (ages 10-17)